Serving Immigrant Communities in the Trump Era

Best practices for publishers reporting on the ramifications of anti-immigrant policies, with attorney Erin Victoria

Editor’s Note: The Latino Newsletter is an inaugural member of the Latino Media Consortium. In addition, the Tiny News Collective is our fiscal sponsor.

Join the Latino Media Consortium, Tiny News Collective and URL Media for a virtual clinic with attorney Erin Victoria on the challenges facing publishers serving immigrant communities under the Trump administration. Victoria will discuss best practices for journalists reporting on the ramifications of anti-immigrant policies, including the following:

  • public records strategies

  • source confidentiality and protections

  • risk management for small newsrooms

  • cybersecurity considerations

A counsel at the firm of Atlanta-based Caplan Cobb LLC, Victoria has extensive experience with advising media clients and litigating First Amendment issues. She has provided prepublication legal review services to clients ranging from nationally syndicated news programs to independent journalists; defended journalists and publishers in defamation litigation; and helped journalists successfully resist subpoenas seeking confidential source information.

Victoria has also offered “Know Your Rights” legal workshops to journalists in Spanish in collaboration with the Reporter’s Committee for Freedom of the Press and ProJourn. She has supported publications reporting on issues related to anti-immigration policy and is committed to assisting journalists and publishers serving immigrant communities as they navigate the ever-shifting legal and political landscape.

Space is limited, so RSVP now to save your seat:

  • What: Virtual Briefing (Zoom link sent upon registration)

  • When: Tuesday, March 25 at 11 am CT / Noon ET

  • Who: Independent news publishers serving immigrant communities

Update: The registration for this session is now closed.


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