Latino Data Hub Action Lab Launched for Advocacy and Policymaking Efforts

Goal is to 'empower' and 'revolutionize' Latino leaders across the country, organizers say

Participants at the Latino Data Hub Action Lab launch in Tempe, Arizona, June 25, 2024 (Credit/UCLA Latino Policy & Politics Institute)

A new program announced Monday by the UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute (UCLA LPPI) and Arizona State University Center for Latina/os and American Politics Research (CLAPR) is hoping to “revolutionize advocacy and policymaking across the United States by equipping Latino leaders with cutting-edge data analysis tools and skills,” organizers said in a release.

The Latino Data Hub (LDH) Action Lab welcomed its initial cohort on Tuesday. Held in Tempe, Arizona, 16 policy advocates and community leaders worked with the LDH Action Lab curriculum to learn tools and skills essential for data-driven decision-making. Using the latest U.S. Census data across critical policy areas like health, education, housing and employment, organizers noted that the LDH program “sharpens data analysis and visualization skills and helps participants translate these insights into practical projects that catalyze meaningful change.” The cohort will continue to meet virtually throughout the year.

“The Latino Data Hub Action Lab in Arizona represents a significant step forward in our efforts to empower Latino leaders nationwide,” Rodrigo Dominguez-Villegas, director of research at UCLA LPPI, said.

According to Dr. Angie Bautista-Chavez, an assistant professor at ASU's School of Politics and Global Studies, better access to data means more possibilities for impactful change in communities.

“This cohort of fellows, with and alongside many other advocates and leaders, work year-round to serve and advocate on behalf of Latinx, Native, Black, Asian, Muslim, Queer, immigrant, rural, and low-income communities across Arizona,” Bautista-Chavez said. “For me, this institutional collaboration is an example of how researchers and universities can leverage their positions and resources to bring further support and investments to those working on the ground to make our cities and states —and the United States at large— more inclusive.”

The LDH Action Lab is partly supported by JPMorgan Chase and a $1 million grant it gave to UCLA LPPI in 2022. 

The inaugural cohort of the Latino Data Hub Action Lab. (Credit/UCLA Latino Policy & Politics Institute)

Groups Share Immigration Expectations for First Presidential Debate

On Wednesday morning, several immigrant rights and Latino advocacy groups held a virtual press call about the contrasts they expect to see during the June 27 presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. The Latino Newsletter attended the call and shared live tweets about the session, which featured America’s Voice, NILC Immigrant Justice Fund, The Immigration Hub, and Latino Victory Project.

The complete recording of the call is here.

What We’re Reading Today

Coup in Bolivia? The Associated Press reported on Wednesday afternoon that “Armored vehicles rammed into the doors of Bolivia’s government palace Wednesday as a top government official warned of a coup attempt and President Luis Arce said ‘irregular’ deployment of troops was taking place in the capital.” (Story here)

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