Report: US Media Loses $12-18 Billion Due to Lack of Latino Representation

The 2024 U.S. Latinos in Media Report paints a stark picture


Happy Tuesday to our 722 subscribers! I am writing today’s daily post hours before The Latino Newsletter begins working on the Latino Election Project with New England Public Media. I tweeted about it yesterday, and I feel like a kid starting a new school.

Now, on to today’s stories.

The Latino Donor Collaborative released the 2024 U.S. Latinos in Media Report. It’s important data to share.

Look at the headline. Doesn’t sound like a good business model for U.S. media companies.

You can access the complete report here, which also announced the creation of The Source, “a premier database that helps connect media companies with Latino talent, countering the argument that there is a lack of available Latino professionals in Hollywood.”

The report’s timing coincided with the significant presence of Latinos and Latinas at Sunday’s Emmy Awards.

Our friends at LatinaMedia.Co have a great summary about Sunday.

Voto Latino Says It Registered 67K New Voters During Last 10 Days in July

Today is National Voter Registration Day, and during a Tuesday morning press call, Voto Latino said that it registered 67,092 new voters from July 21 to July 31, the days after President Joe Biden decided not to seek re-election.

Voto Latino said that 70% of these new registrants are young women. The following tweet is the start of a live thread we did during the call.

On July 21, Voto Latino officially endorsed Kamala Harris.

“We have the momentum, and we have never seen Latinos register at this pace before: We have registered 112,035 so far this year, including 67,092 since July 21 when President Biden endorsed VP Harris. And of these 67,092 newly registered Latino voters, 55% are young voters (aged 18-29) and 70% are women,” Mareia Teresa Kumar of Voto Latino said in a media release after the press call.

What We’re Reading

Voter Registration Issues in Puerto Rico: Speaking about voter registrations, the Associated Press reported this morning that “Officials in Puerto Rico have rejected a petition to extend a voter registration deadline following an outcry over long lines formed by those seeking to participate in this year’s general election. 

The island’s two main parties, the Popular Democratic Party and the New Progressive Party, voted against the request late Monday, as did the alternate president of the elections commission.”

Read the full story below.

Spanish-Language Ads About Non-Citizen Voting: According to NBC News, “A conservative group is launching a Spanish-language advertisement in critical battleground states that strikes two drastically different tones — first touting voting as patriotic but then warning that it is illegal for noncitizens to cast ballots in federal elections and that doing so can be a crime punishable by deportation.”

Julio Ricardo Varela is the founder and interim publisher of The Latino Newsletter.


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